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Friction Blisters on the Feet are Common… for a Reason!

That reason is, the paradigm of blister causation we were all raised on and taught… the heat-moisture-friction paradigm. It is misunderstood and inaccurate. It leads us to choose preventions based on an over-inflated expectation of the effectiveness of their action. And it leads us to miss some preventive opportunities altogether. This is why friction blisters of feet are common.

Why is this important?

Simply, cause informs prevention.

If you don’t understand what causes something, how can you expect to prevent it?

How do we change this?

We need an accurate paradigm of blister causation to replace the entrenched paradigm that steers us in the wrong direction. It’s time to replace those 3 words with another 3 words.

It’s time to say goodbye heat, mosture, friction.

And hello to Repetitive Shear Deformation

Blisters on the feet are common in sport, running and walking activities

But they don’t have to be.

Watch me pick apart the heat, moisture, friction paradigm and mold it into the new repetitive shear deformation paradigm.

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