Office Hours

Join Rebecca Rushton (the Blister Pod) every month for insight, learning and education on all things blister prevention. Sign up or watch previous recordings below.

Rebecca Office Hours
With a backlog of questions, this month I'm doing a 30 minute Q&A. Ten questions in 30 minutes, that's 3 minutes per question. Strap in!
Today we are going to be talking about all things sweaty feet, including normal sweat secretion, regional differences of foot sweat rates, hyperhidrosis and treatment.
We discuss the findings and implications of the Hashmi et al (2013) paper: The formation of friction blisters on the foot: the development of a laboratory-based blister creation model.
We are going to be looking very closely at posterior heel blisters, including what's rubbing what, and how all the preventions work at the back of heel.
This month's episode of Blister Prevention Office Hours is 100% dedicated to foot blister Q&A. Questions submitted were on the topics of lacing, taping, running, hiking, school shoes and interdigital blisters.
We explore the properties required of hydrocolloids for podiatrists as ulcer dressings, and our patients as blister dressings. Plus we update you on the BlisterPod range.
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